Hi Pauline, Thanks for providing a great site. Your funky friends are gorgeous, the patterns are straightforward and affordable,...
Gayle, WA Australia
Isn't this amazing! I downloaded the pattern with no problems and already made it. It was simple and so cute. Your directions...
Tove, Norway
I absolutely love your patterns, I have just recently started sewing, and your patterns are great for me as I just love how easy...
Robin, Canada
My daughter wanted a "Frog Prince" for her little ring bearer to carry. I looked everywhere to find one and was delighted to...
Jeanie – Hardy, Virginia US
Pauline, My Cow kit arrived on Wednesday and I will have it finished tonight. Honey and Horsey are completed, they were so much...
Lisa, Sydney, Australia
I have made several of your critters now and I just love them. I'm actually a teddy bear maker really, but love your designs...