This might sound ODD - but I did NOT want to make an owl pattern! Well, I guess it was because I have seen a lot of people...
Introducing a new Fun stuff from SCRAPS Pattern – Piggy CLOTHES PEG Bag
The idea for my Piggy Clothes Peg Bag came to me one day when I had 3 HUGE loads of washing to be hung! We have been verrrrry...
Introducing Sammy the Shark – a sweet shark softie & his Dolphin friend!
It’s been one of my GREATEST toy-making challenges to make one of the most ferocious and feared creatures on the planet, into an...
Introducing…. (finally!)… a CAT PATTERN!
Some of you who have asked me for a cat pattern will know that I have been trying to make one... for many years! I ADORE cats...
A NEW YEAR’s surprise and a NEW YEAR’s Pattern!
I survived the New Year's party - but got woken up at 5am on New Year’s day to find a HUGE cow outside the back door! ( Being...
Tis the season to be jolly- with Slush and Ginger!
Today I am in a really festive mood! I wonder if it has ANYTHING to do with the fact that I have bought my first ever REAL...