Well, I’ve been feeling guilty as there are a few of you who have been asking me for a new pattern for some time now…
and finally it’s here!
BUT, first I thought I’d have a little fun this time and have a competition for the Funky Friends Factory members to guess what it is going to be!
It’s easy – the first 10 Funky Friends Factory Members to post a correct guess as to what my next FFF Toy Pattern is going to be will WIN the pattern!
So, a few clues –
- This picture is your first clue –>
- The Funky Friend is NOT going to be purple.
- These animals lay eggs that’s a good clue!
- It is going to be named after one of the Facebook Funky Friends Factory fans, called Stu.
Ooooooh! I don’t want to make it THAT obvious, so that should be enough clues….

Good Luck everyone!
I’m going with snake for the moment! 🙂
I’m thinking it might be Stu the snake.?
Or an echidna – lays eggs, has spikes, isn’t purple!
Hmm. Seahorse?
A goose that lays a Golden egg maybe
I’m guessing a turtle too 🙂
I am guessing Stu is a turtle.
a fish?
Maybe a Dinosaur?
I guess stegasaurus:)
I am guessing a stegosaurus too (he would look good next to Timmy)
My guess is an Emu, “Stu the egg laying emu”!
My daughter thinks a turtle or maybe a chicken.
I thought an emu.
Ooo,it could be a dino head. A Stegosaurus or a Scelidosaurus (my cousin would love one of these he likes the bumps and spikes in the armour). It could also be the frill/head on a frilled neck lizard. That would be cool.
Ooohhhh I’m excited
Im guessing a Seahorse, I hope it is
Actually I’m just excited for a new pattern!
I’m thinking emu 2
Definitely a spider… or perhaps a snake. Nope a spider.. or a snake.. If I can only choose one, a spider, otherwise a snake….
It’s a snail.. do they lay eggs? hmmm, maybe not, just slime.. 🙂
Stu the Stegosaurus sounds just right!
is it a chicken??
I love the fabric, think it would make a lovely sea turtle 🙂
A purple turtle, that is not purple?
No idea, I dont get the clue.
Is it a camel Pauline?
I can’t wait to find out!
I would have to say a stegosaurus
Bactrian camel?*
Oh I hope a seahorse as well.
Although like others I am just happy to see a new patterns.
oops, double post, my bad. I didn’t read the clues too,
Pterodactyl? some kind of bird-like dinosaur?
a dinosaur? snake? lizard? some kind of reptile or amphibian or bird?
a frog? a salamander? Newt? Toad, Bullfrog? seaturtle? turtle? Alligator? Crocodile? Tortoise? Gecko? Terrapin? Duck? Chicken? Turkey? Platypus? Echidna? Bug? Butterflies? Caterpillar? Fish? Dragon? Emu? Ostrich? Stegosaurus?
Hey Pauline, I was thinking Sea Horse too but also like Platypus.
is it a turtle?
i would have to say turtle
I was thinking fish or something but Stu the Seahorse sounds right
Stegosaurus? You really have me stumped. Doesn’t help that your website is down and I can’t remember the whole line!
if it’s not spider or snake, then I’m with turtle!
Altho I still like the idea of a snail too..
Is it a penguin?
Thinking maybe, hopefully a cat? : )
Okay… my guesses are….
Fish, Emu, Dinosaur, Turtle, Echidna, Aligator, Crocodile, Newt, Beetle, and Ostrich.
Thinking too much …Stu is a male and males don’t lay eggs. But the male seahorse looks after the eggs, so maybe a seahorse.
Or a snail – they’re hermaphroditic so the male could be the one laying the eggs.
an Echidna would be very cool ! how about a Stork?
I like the idea of him being a stegosaurus, he’d be fun to make. Or a bird or seahorse!
Looking forward to whatever he may be.
Stu the Sturgeon?
I think Its a dinosaur!!!
Nooooooo sorry changing to snail please, would like to see a seahorse but I think the male gives birth to live babies.
Could it be a snail??
I was thinking of a Swan, but all the other guesses have me guessing now too 🙂
Hmm, I think it ‘s a seahorse. Atleast I hope so; wouldn;pt that be cute!
I think it might be a dragon!
Stu the Stegosaurus
I would say a sea turtle
I think it’s a goose or a rooster.
Can’t wait to see the new pattern. I’m hoping it is an Emu
An echidna?
Or turtle or crocodile?
Ok, either seahorse, peacock or spiny anteater. (This is hard!)
I’m going right out there and guessing a CRAB
I keep thinking about it. I know you are working on a camel, but that doesn’t lay eggs. What about an ostrich!!
I would love for “STU” to be a dragon…… please be a dragon…
I’m thinking Stu the seahorse
Is it going to be a dragon?
An ostrich?
owl ?
Frilled neck lizard
Maybe a snail?
OK here’s my second guess, but I’m gonna guess a Dragon just like Deb did. So my guesses are a stegasaurous and a dragon.
Has anyone guessed right yet?
is it going to be a chicken. “chicken stu”
I’ll jump on the Dragon bandwagon!
not sure if there’s too many of these guesses already, but i’m going to go with Seahorse :o)
I’ll say Snail.
I think a stegasaurous aswell
Hi Pauline
I think it is a sea horse or stegasaurous…Thanks for pattern Honey the Bear.I liked very
Thanks so much
Bruno Soares
Okay…here are some more guesses from me: Dragon….Frilled Lizard…..Cassowary. 🙂 Still convinced he’s a stegosaurus, though!
I was thinking… could Stu be an Iguana or a Fish?
I sure hope so, or maybe even an Ostrich??
Can’t wait to find out…
Jan Koch
Is it a spiny anteater?
Hi there,
I think the pattern will be a platypus! And that it will be awesome! x
I am thinking an emu
A stingray?? 🙂
i will say stu the seahorse – as the female lays her eggs in a pouch in the males belly – therefore a male hatches the eggs!!!
i will go spider, or dinosaur too
dragon woulod be awesome to see, as would a stegosaurus or a spider or a seahorse!!! please just put us out of our misery!!
Is Stu a Duck?????
Seahorse would be cool, as would dinosaur.
Stu the Sea Serpent!!!
I wonder if Stu is a bat
Coul Stu be a Shark????? Just putting it out there…… hmmmmm……. keep thinking??????
Dragon! I want a dragon!
A cat ?
OOps -lays eggs!! a fish?
Stegosaurus Stu!
another guess have to go with stegasaurus
Stu the sea turtle?
Is it a turtle?
Hey everyone, this is so exciting – so many clever guesses – I will let everyone know tomorrow!!! Thanks for taking part and the lovely feedback too!! : )
now my guess has to be a hen or may be a snake
If my guess isn’t too late-I’m thinking it might be a lizard of some sorts, maybe an iguana?