It’s been a long-time since I first got to meet Harmony in person. She is the fabric designer behind the Harmony Art organic fabric range and she popped into my booth when I was at Quilt Market in Houston… and she really is as lovely as she looks! 😀

NOW you can sew your own
toy giraffe!
So, what can you win?
You can win some organic fabric AND and a FREE Funky Friends Factory pattern of YOUR CHOICE – it doesn’t HAVE to be Raff the Giraffe because I know a lot of you already have that pattern and I want EVERYONE to have a chance to win a free pattern!
How do you enter?
All you need to do is pop over to the Harmony Art website and check out her awesome organic fabrics, to decide WHICH Funky Friends Factory toy pattern you think would look great made up in WHICH Harmony Art organic fabric…
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and leave a comment
on my blog post HERE
or Harmony’s blog post HERE
to enter the GIVEAWAY!
That’s it! That’s all you need to do to win some organic fabric and a FREE Funky Friends Factory pattern! There’s nothing to buy and EVERYONE is welcome to enter. So check out all the fabulous organic fabrics and enter NOW!
*** The winner’s will be drawn on Saturday 4th of May 2019 using and notified by email/Facebook Messenger.***
Good luck everyone!!!
Till next time,
Happy Sewing,
Graceland and I’d make the puppy dog! It would look Dalmatianish
I think your giraffe would be adorable made in the morning dew fabric!
I would make a graffic for my great grand son who is to be born in July. I also love the elephant pattern
I would be the most loved Aunt if I won and chose the Raff the Giraffe pattern and material. My niece would be in seventh heaven.
I can see Gertie Gecko in the Animal Farm Green or Diggles the Dragon in Space Cowboy, or even Larry the Lion in Thirty Nine! Maybe Igor Iguana in Stornetta Lavender or Sammy Shark in Morning Dew, and Fifi Fox in 10 Flowers. Oh – so many choices!
Sparkles Seahorse in Fields of Honey (pink)!
I’d love to make kitty Kate in the chili pepper red cotton flannel with big green eyes!
I think the Let it Grow Green cotton twill would look so CHARMING on the FROG. BA DUM TSS
Oh Raffe the Giraffe and the fabric that you show above. He is adorable and I don’t have him yet. Love the organic fabric!
“Tarragon green” mixed with “orchid” then “let it go brown” would look splendid on Butch & Bella the Bulldogs 🥰 (Whose pattern I don’t have)
FiFi Fox In chili pepper red would be cute!
Morning dew on Ozzie octopus would be adorable!!!
Morning Dew is beautiful. I think as a hippo it’s perfect. I really want to make the giraffe.
I think Alice Alpaca would look lovely in the Stornetta Lavender and Tarragon Green cotton sateen fabrics.
I’d like to put a dress of Morning Dew on the Dress up doll!
Love your Funky Friends patterns and loved the fabric for Raff on Harmonys site. Would live to win.
Ellie the elephant would look great in “uncomplicated”
Let it grow brown would make a cute penguin
Diggles the Dragon would look splendid in Space Cowboy!
I would love the
Lichen It fabric to make the Diggles Dragon please!
I think Morning Dew would be cute for Gertie Gecco.
The organic fabric Lichen I your Stu sea turtle pattern!
Organic fabric Lichen It on the Stu the Sea Turtle pattern!
Lichen It fabric in the Stu sea turtle!
I would love to have “Raff the Giraffe” in my collection! Giraffes are my favorite animal. I love elephants too and I am sure “Eyes of the World” would look great as an elephant! Thank you Pauline for this opportunity!
I love organic fabrics and these are beautiful! I’m in love with Lichen It but my 3 yo grandson would be thrilled to have Raff Giraffe with the giraffe fabric. I will be visiting them in MI on the 4th. <3
ps. I'm on Facebook, but link above not allowing me to post. Thank you!!
Would love to win this here in capetown😀
Love lions in fun prints. Larry the lion in let it go brown would be cute.
My daughter loves giraffes – it would be so much fun to win this.
The organic fabric is great!
Would look great as a giraffe
I’m sure all the Funky Friends Factory toy would look great made up in any Harmony Art organic fabric. But if i have to choose one, i choose the lively Lary lion made up with Lichen it Harmony art organic fabric. I love Funky Friends Factoryl!!
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I would really love the Giraffe fabric and pattern. I don’t have the Giraffe pattern yet and would love to make him as he’s cute and I like Giraffes.
Hello Pauline, How really appropriate to be able to make some of your well designed toys from safe, organic fabrics! It will be really helpful for those who have allergies! I would make Dizzy Dolphin in Fields of Honey P, along with Morning Dew; or use Evelyn and Janette to make Heather Hippo.Many thanks!
I love the giraffe fabric with Raff the giraffe. I also quite like the Thirty – Nine (light blue, orange and white) fabric I thought it would look good as the mane for Larry the lion.
I would love to make the easter bunny in a combination of morning dew, silent stumps and twilight blue. Another great pattern for these fabric combinations would be the whale. Love the fabrics and the patterns!
I would love to win the giraffe fabric and pattern. They are so sweet..thank you…
My grand daughter and I love giraffes, the are so elegant and cute!! I would love to make us matching pets with that pattern and of course the matching giraffe fabric!! Pick me!!
I would love to make Raff out of that giraffe fabric – absolutely adorable
Would love to make the Giraffe in the Giraffe fabric. Perfect combination for my next project.
I know somebody who loves giraffes. That is the pattern and fabric I would choose.
Love to make the giraffe, the material is so perfect and I already know that it would make a special person smile
Hmmmmm. That was a tough one! I’m totally addicted to the fox pattern at the moment, so I would select the “”natural” & the “stumps speak” in denim, to make a fox, but I’d also use some of the “let it grow” in brown for the feet & tip of the tail!
Kind of boring, but I can’t think of a better choice than Raff the Giraffe. I love it! And giraffe’s of course!
All of her fabrics are gorgeous! I love the stornetta in any color and I’d definitely try my hand at the squirrel!!! Thanks 😊
I would love to make a chocolate version of Lucky the Labrador and ‘Let It Grow Brown’ would be a great option!
Hi, I would love to make the giraffe with the giraffe fabric. I love your patterns, and as a new sewer I am finding your step by step tutorials included in the patterns so very helpful. I have made 4 cats and am making the moose right now. Thanks for letting me enter this contest!
The Sugar Plum Fairy would be lovely in so many of the organic fabrics!
For Ollie the Laid Back Owl, I think Let it Grow Brown and Chocolate Brown would be good.
For Kiri Kiwi Bird, I’d like to see Animal Farm Green and Tangled Up in Blue.
Wow, such gorgeous prints! The giraffe print is absolutely perfect for Raff, but I also love Field of Honey for Fleur and I would love to try Stumps Speak Denim on William.