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Hi I’m Pauline, this blog is where I share all the latest Funky Friends Factory News, Giveaways, Competitions plus LOTS of toy-making tips & tutorials to help you sew the cutest soft toys EVER!

My FUNKIEST friend in ICU!!!

Apr 8, 2013 | A day in my life, Blog

If it doesn’t rain, it POURS!

I just wanted to put this up on the blog as lots of you won’t have seen this on the Funky Friends Factory Facebook page.

We are renovating the guest room as my in-laws are coming to stay with us and arrive in 1 week, we were rushing out to buy a bed when the cat started behaving oddly, twitching and drooling??? We rushed her to the pet hospital and they tested her and found out she has been bitten by a brown snake – one of the MOST POISONOUS snakes in Australia!!!

Cat in ICU - Australian brown snake bite

AND while all this has been going on,

my WEBSITE UPGRADE was scheduled to go live so hopefully THAT goes smoothly… thankfully it is taking my mind off kitty!

website upgrade 2013

So PLEASE BEAR WITH ME if I seem a bit out of it!!!! πŸ™‚

AND please spare a thought or some prayers for my poor darling kitty –

he’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever had…

He was sleeping on my lap 10mins before he must’ve got bitten?????? He always follows me round like a dog,


and I would be so sad to loose him!!!!

Teddy bear free pattern.

Hoping and praying he makes it!!!


  1. Kate

    poor kitty! I’m glad he’s doing ok- give him a (gentle) cuddle from me!

  2. Deb Beschen

    Such a pretty kitty. So glad he pulled through,now for a full and speedy recovery.

  3. Robyne

    Glad that your Kitty Kat Tiger is on the mend. It must have been an awful week for you! πŸ™‚

  4. Michelle Brusco

    Poor kitty cat… Glad he’s going to be okay…

  5. Suse

    My heart just sank especially seeing your baby on the ventilator. Such a scary thing to go through. I have been turning on the computer everyday and waiting for the great news to say he is going home. Yeah…..today it is! Hugs all around (Dont overcuddle kitty though!) The best news!

  6. Charlotte

    Tiger: I hope I hurry up and get better soon. This thing is ruffling my whiskers! And I have such fine whiskers too.

    Glad he is doing so much better.

  7. Claire Hutchison

    Glad to hear Tiger is getting better and hope you get to take him home soon. Makes me really grateful that we don’t have poisonous snakes in Scotland!! Please keep us posted on Facebook to how your kitty is getting on x

  8. Pauline

    πŸ™‚ Thanks guys!!! I can’t wait to have him HOME – I still cannot believe he is alive – most animals (and even humans) bitten by brown snakes die! He is definitely a SUPER-CAT!!!!! πŸ˜€

  9. Kellie

    Good to hear Tiger will be off the ventilator and back home soon. Best wishes to Tiger!

  10. Kari

    Glad the precious kitty pulled through! <3

  11. Helen

    I guess it’s true that cats have 9 lives! So happy gorgeous Tiger has pulled through, he is one lucky cat!

  12. Liona

    Tiger by name, Tiger by nature. He is a little warrior.

  13. Helene Owen

    So glad you are on the improve you brave little soul!

  14. Dawn H

    Poor kitty, so glad he’s recovering well!

  15. Nicol Bates

    So glad that your little funky friend has pulled through and gets to come home, hopefully after a few days everything will be back to normal at home. Poor thing looks so little in that picture, what a horrible ordeal to have to go through.

  16. Kylie Smith

    So glad your Tiger is on the mend!!!! He’s so much like my old Tiger!!! Ill be sharing the chance to win this pattern around!! Very generous of you!!!

  17. Carly Branch

    So glad to hear Tiger is nearly ready to come home. I’m sure he’ll be thoroughly spoilt by you as he should be, such a brave kitty πŸ™‚

  18. Dru Ketchion

    So happy for you all, that your little kitty has pulled through. What a frightening experience. X

  19. Tracee

    What a stressful time this has been. So happy for you that kitty has come right.What a strong little spirit he is. Imagine those welcome home cuddles, they will be tremendous! Tracee xx

  20. Erika Brown

    Hey kitty,kitty ,I’m so happy you’re feeling better.

  21. Donna Coath

    I’m so happy for you that tiger is getting better. It’s always sad when it some happens to a family member. My older sisters cat got poisoned by some one a few doors down & my mothers cat went missing a yr ago & my dog passed due to cancer a few yrs ago & it still huets to think about. So my fingers are all crossed for him to get better for you soon.

  22. Elaine Howard

    I am glad your cat is getting better. Funny how cats always seem to go for snakes. When I was a little girl (about 3 or 4) we lived in a small town called Bouldercombe outside of Rockhampton, Queensland. We had an acre or so, and had chooks and a dairy cow and calf (courtesy of my Uncle) and cats to keep down the mice. Of course we had a lot of snakes also, and they got a lot of them, and some of them got out cats. I still remember that after so many years. Isn’t it funny what sticks in your memory?

  23. Angel

    I’m so glad your kitty is getting better! What a scary thing to have to go through! Not that I’m happy it was your sweet kitty, I’m just glad it wasn’t YOU who got bit… That could have been really bad.

  24. Lindsey

    Get well soon little lucky kitty! Speedy recovery from a cat crew in England! xxxx

  25. Leigh Ann

    I hope you little buddy is back with you very soon! πŸ™‚

  26. Ellen Barth

    Glad to hear your kitty is recovering and will be home with you soon!

  27. Christina

    I am so glad your kitty is on the mend and that his medical staff worked so hard to make him better so he could come back home to you… I was a vet Tech of 10 years and its hard and wonderful work when the outcome is one where the pet(fur baby)can be reunited with its family. I know your just going crazy to get him home with you and I hope that the time fly’s by to when he can go home with you πŸ™‚ My prayers and well wishes continue until he is back in your arms and home for good!

  28. Karen

    Get well soon Tiger.

  29. Lynnette

    I am so happy your kitty is doing wonderful. Animals warm our hearts and I know I couldnt do with out mine. Its a blessed day

  30. JLG

    I am sooo happy for you guys!

  31. Lindsay H

    So glad Tiger is okay! That’s got to be one of the best days, to hear that he’s okay and ready to go home! : )

  32. Jennifer Gosling

    Get better little kitty

  33. Evenstar

    I’m glad your kitty doing better. Your kitty looks just like my kitty Rintoo.

  34. Lucy Brick

    Yaaaaaay for Tiger!!! What a relief it must be for you, Pauline, to know that he is going to be around for more lap cuddles! Enjoy every minute with him!

  35. Hannah philo

    Hope your cat makes a full and quick recovery!

    Here’s a little poem I like to make you smile

    Cats sleep
    Any table,
    Any chair,
    Top of piano,

    In the middle,
    On the edge,
    Open drawer,
    Empty shoe,
    Lap will do,
    Fitted in a

    Cardboard box,
    In the cupboard
    With your frocks–
    They don’t care!
    Cats sleep

  36. Vera

    Well this is week for kittys to get better, “go Tiger”, I am so glad he made it. My daughters Lily pulled through a very bad UTI this week as well. Gotta love these animals they make life so worth living. All my best and may you live through 9 more lives. Give Tiger a hug for me.

  37. Kylie

    Poor Tiger!!! Still so surprised how much he looks like my old Tiger!! So glad he’s on the mend now πŸ™‚

  38. Debra Prychun

    Poor little Tiger. I look at that picture and I remember what it was like when I was in the hospital with IVs in both arms and a tube up my nose! It is not pleasant at all, is it? So glad we are both feeling better and hope you are back to your sweet self really soon! Stay away from snakes!

  39. Lauren Schulze

    Wow, what a trooper Tiger is! I’ve been watching the Facebook page to see how your beautiful cat has been faring, and was so pleased to see the good news. I’m so happy for you – I hope Tiger continues to get better and stronger. Tiger really IS the funkiest cat, too πŸ™‚

  40. Jenny Cullen

    So very glad to hear the Tiger might be able to come home today. Lots of hugs to the both of you xx

  41. Allison

    Hope Tiger makes a speedy recovery!! Please give him a hug from the U.S.

  42. Jessica

    So glad to hear that Tiger is recovering. He’s just gorgeous! Can only imagine how upset i’d be if anything like that happened to my cat. You must be very relieved!

  43. Margaret Graczyk

    Prayers answered <3 Thank goodness for the advancements in medicine these days! Hugs to you, Tiger and the Veterinarian Staff πŸ™‚

  44. Lisbeth

    Godt kΓ¦mpet, Tiger! Jeg hΓ₯ber, du snart er pΓ₯ toppen igen, og at du er kommet hjem i dag. Du er helt sikkert savnet. πŸ™‚

  45. Jodi Collins

    My first comment has disappeared so here goes again!!!! Last week I didn’t know any puss cats in Oz but things changed when I read the story about Tiger. I now log in everyday to see if there are any updates in him. I am so pleased that Tiger is turning the corner and getting better. I have 4 babies of my own and I would be devastated if anything like this happened to anyone of them. Get well very soon Tiger. Xxx

  46. Shirley Smith

    With a name like Tiger and such loving parents how could he not survive his ordeal.
    The poor wee thing for what he has gone through. So glad he is coming home real soon.
    Do I detect that a Tiger pattern is on the drawing board !? xx

  47. Donna Coath

    Soft kitty,
    Warm kitty,
    Little ball of fur,
    Happy kitty,
    Sleepy kitty,
    Purr purr purr

  48. Alison Reed

    What an ordeal you have been through. Your kitty is such a super-cat and now he is home continuing his recovery with yours and your families TLC he will seen be back to his normal self. Hugs from me to your kitty and I will checking back to see how the little guy is doing. Get well soon kitty

  49. Pauline

    It’s time to announce the FRIDAY FRENZY PATTERN DRAW WINNER… Congrats to Lindsey in the UK, I’ll be emailing through your Kitty Pattern now! πŸ™‚ Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone, it’s been a stressful time and all your lovely comments helped me through!!!! πŸ˜€

  50. Cindy Roadman

    We have been praying for Tiger since the day you announced this on FB! I have a group of ladies that meet weekly for a bible study. I showed them your sweet furry baby on the little kitty ventilator and now they all want to be kept apprised of his health! We wrote him down on our list of prayers so no one would forget! Pets are family and we care about all of you! So glad to see on FB that Tiger is HOME!!!!! I’m so happy for all of you! I know your nerves are probably shot but keep up the faith. Website worries come and go but you only get one Tiger! Blessings to all of you! Cindy

  51. Ramona

    Poor kitty – dodged a bullet with that Brown snake bite for sure!