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Hi I’m Pauline, this blog is where I share all the latest Funky Friends Factory News, Giveaways, Competitions plus LOTS of toy-making tips & tutorials to help you sew the cutest soft toys EVER!

April 2022 MAKER OF THE MONTH – wins a FREE Funky Friends Factory Pattern!

May 30, 2022 | Blog, Competitions & Giveaways

It’s time to announce our April MAKER of the MONTH finalists and winner! We’ve got a WILD collection of toys this time, from a human-sized bear to a tiny wolf pack and litter of playful puppy keepsakes.

Take a look…


Jo Ann Carroll made Winsome the Wolf in two different fur lengths of Shannon Fabric’s Cuddle®. 

Wolf pattern sewn by JoAnnCarroll


Here’s another great fluffy Winsome Wolf, Kate Webster sewed for her nephew, for his birthday.

Wolf pattern sewn by KateWebster

Click HERE to purchase the Wolf pattern.


A BIG bear makes a BIG statement! Jamie Martin enlarged the Keep Me Keepsake Bear pattern to 200% as a gift for a co-worker. Most people are surprised how HUGE a toy turns out at double the regular size.

Click HERE to purchase the Keepsake Bear pattern.


HOW TO re-size a toy pattern:

For a tutorial on enlarging or reducing a pattern, go here:
HOW TO re-size a toy pattern!

HOW to resize a pattern


Suzanne McCoubrey didn’t know what to do with her small fabric scraps, so she pieced them into one big piece of patchwork fabric, traced her Melody Memory Bear Pattern pieces onto it, and made a patchwork bear!

This was the most popular toy in our
Funky Friends Factory Patterns Fan Club on Facebook in April.

Melody patchwork bear sewn by suzanne

Click HERE to purchase the Melody Memory Bear Pattern.


This happy version of Steve the Croc, sewn by Jonell Hart, was W-I-L-D-L-Y popular in our Facebook group! (And Jonell was worried he wasn’t cute!?!)

Click HERE to purchase the Crocodile Pattern

Crocodile Sewing Pattern


This Georgie GOOD LUCK Elephant, sewn by Rebecca Karstad, makes great use of upcycled embroidered fabric. 

Georgie GOOD LUCK elephant sewn by RebeccaKarstad

Click HERE to purchase the Good Luck Elephant pattern.

Good Luck Elephant Sewing Pattern


I’m lovin’ this Lloyd Llama sewn in Island Batik fabric by Samelia’s Mum. The felt eye with tiny eyelash and glittery dot of white fabric paint gives this vibrant Llama extra charm. 

Click HERE to purchase the Llama & Alpaca Pattern.


Angie Elwood took upcycled baby receiving blankets into two sweet Easter Bunny Buddies. Here are ‘before and after’ pics.


Look at the thrilled new owner!


Click HERE to purchase the Easter Bunny sewing pattern.



These 3 gorgeous Poppy Puppies were made from sentimental clothing by Lorna Empson. She included matching collars and leashes made from ribbon.

Poppy Puppy dog sewing pattern sewn by LornaEmpson.jpg

Click HERE to purchase the Poppy PUPPY Pattern.

Poppy PUPPY Sewing Pattern


Here’s another type of cuddly keepsake dog. Jane Tate used the Digger Dachshund pattern with two t-shirts to create this darling momento. Different types of stripes can be difficult to merge into one cohesive toy, but Jane did a fantastic job!

Click HERE to purchase the Dachshund pattern.


And one more dog!

Gemma Addison used dress shirts to create this distinctive plaid Butch Bulldog.

Click HERE to purchase the Bulldog pattern.


Seems like it’s time for a cat now?

Yvonne Briddon did a fabulous job of “fussy cutting” t-shirt designs for this purple Patch Pussycat. Check out all the details on the sides and forehead. 

Patch Cat sewing pattern sewn by YvonneBriddon

Click HERE to purchase the Patch Cat Pattern.


It’s no secret I appreciate a great purple toy, so let’s see another one! This pretty purple version of Belinda Butterfly was sewn by Danny Manhire. I love the little butterfly print she used for the antenna and arm pieces!

Butterfly Pattern sewing by Danni manhire

Click HERE to purchase the Butterfly Sewing Pattern


Ollie Owl is perfect in lilac hues, as sewn by Cindy Fry Williams. I like how Cindy used a decorative stitch from her sewing machine around the eyes. (P.S. Did you know Ollie Owl works as a tablet and phone stand? Just prop an iPad on top of his feet and his tummy will hold it up for you. Ollie has a unique square posterior that keeps him from falling over). 


NOT purple – but the Ollie Owl pattern looks just as good in BLACK & WHITE (with orange highlights!) This Ollie Owl was sewn by Sandra Starley in Island Batik fabric

Owl Pattern sewn by Sandra Starley in Island Batik fabric

Click HERE to buy the Ollie Owl pattern.



AND this month’s winner is…

Congrats to this month’s winner,  Becki Suleski who sewed Patch Cat for her granny!

a FREE Funky Friends Factory Pattern ~>
of your choice!


Patch Cat sewing pattern sewn by Becki Suleski

Click HERE to purchase the Patch Cat Pattern.



Want to win a
FREE toy pattern?


It’s so EASY to enter the Pattern GIVEAWAY!


Facebook badge - Pauline McArthur

ALL you need to do is post a photo of a FUNKY FRIENDS FACTORY toy that you have made on the Funky Friends Factory Facebook Page .

At the end of each month I draw a winner and post the winner’s name on the Blog the following MONTH. I have an Album on Facebook for all the MAKEROFTHEMONTH winners. You can check it out HERE!



NOT on Facebook? ENTER by email! 😀

*** You can send me your photos by email too!


So come on! Share your photos  ~> The next winner could be YOU!!!

Pauline McArthur - Funky Friends Factory.
Till next time,

Happy Sewing,


  1. Peggy G

    All of this month’s makes are fantastic, as usual!! My favs are Angie’s bunnies made from hospital receiving blankets. I have that same striped blanket from when my first was born. Think I’ll borrow this great idea and make a bunny for my now 19-year old baby!

    • Pauline

      Hi Peggy, thank you for your lovely comments! I think the 19 year old baby toy sounds like a great idea!

  2. Kathy Cuthbertson

    All of the featured toys were absolutely wonderful but I love the story of the winner. I hope when I can no longer sew someone in my family will continue on the tradition

    • Pauline

      Thanks Kathy.. it’s the stories that warm my heart!


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