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Beautiful feedback photos of Ben the BEGINNER Bear!

May 24, 2022 | Blog, Customer Feedback

Ben the Beginner Bear has been the most popular Funky Friends Factory pattern launch EVER! I may be a bit biased BUT I think it may be because of his sweet face and easy construction?

Ben the BEGINNER Memory Bear pattern


In this post, I am sharing just some of the cute Ben the Beginner Bears that were posted this week in our Funky Friends Factory Patterns Fan Club Facebook group. If you haven’t joined the club – 

come join in the toy-making FUN ~>

Facebook Pattern Fan Club



Let’s look at
some feedback pics!


First up we have a precious little pink Ben the Beginner Bear by Tracey T Storsii.

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by TraciTS


AND this cute, cotton-candy coloured Ben the Beginner Bear was sewn by Debbie Schmid Vitz  –

she says Ben is
her new favorite bear!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by DebbieSchmidVitz


Here’s a well-coordinated memory bear made from clothing by Jane Tate. I like how she used Ben the Beginner Bear‘s wide tummy piece to show off text from a shirt.

Ben Beginner Bear sewn by JaneTate


Next up, Jonell Hart‘s Ben the Beginner Bear is the ‘bee’s knees’ in this fun fabric combo. She used HTV (heat transfer vinyl) circles cut on her Cricut machine for baby-safe eyes.

Ben Beginner Bear sewn by jonell hart.jpg


I LOVE the sweet expression on the face of this happy, sunshiny  Ben the Beginner Bear sewn by Michelle Germain.  Michelle couldn’t wait to share this pic – so her bear still has pins holding it’s nose in place while the fabric glue dries!

Ben Beginner Bear sewn by michellegermain


This happy Ben the Beginner Bear sewn by Nancy M Ciccosanti makes me smile😀. He was made with coordinating fabrics from a fat quarter pack.

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by nancy ciccosanti


Debbie Reynard sewed this sophisticated memory bear. Look how cool Ben the Beginner Bear looks in purple plaid with coordinating purple ears and foot pads. Debbie added the collar from a shirt as an extra special finishing touch! 

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by DebbieR



Want to know how to add a shirt collar to a memory bear?

This blog post shows you how to add a collar with lots of pics and tips from Funky Friends Factory Fan Club Members who have sewn collars on their bears.


(Melody Memory Bear above sewn by by Gail McKnight Anderson of Gail’s Little Sewing Room.) 



Karen Kowalik used the wide tummy piece on Ben the Beginner Bear for her embroidery machine design (this is only her second bear, and she posted that the photo tutorial for the pattern was really helpful).

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by KarenKowalik


Alice Ready made this memory toy version of Ben the Beginner Bear from a fuzzy robe. Alice felt Ben’s young-looking face was great for the bear’s new young owner.

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by AliceReddy.jpg


Look at this adorable face!!!! Nat Egan of Rothmore Forever Bears, sewed this Ben the Beginner Bear using green teddy fleece and a cute co-ordinating print.

Had to show you the close-up!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by NatEgan Rothmore Bears


AND here’s the whole bear!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by NatEgan Rothmore Forever Bears



Lindy Eversole made two memory bears to showcase baby clothes from a pair of siblings. I bet they’re going to LOVE their Ben the Beginner Bears made from their baby clothes!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by lindy eversole


Sandy Thurlow used a school uniform for this school uniform keepsake version of Ben the Beginner Bear and wrote that…

the child’s mom is
“over the moon!”

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by Sandy Thurlow


Debbie Young made this Ben the Beginner Bear for the “jubilee teddy bear’s picnic” at her son’s school.

This is her first ever teddy bear!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by DebbieYoung


Talking of school – Sarah McKee of Sarah’s Signature Bears sewed this version of Ben the Beginner Bear as a teacher’s gift! He’s going to look so cool once all the kids have signed their teacher’s signature bear! 

Ben the Beginner Bear sewn by Sarah McKee


And last but NOT least!

This Ben the Beginner Bear sewn by Sue Stonehouse was a practice run so she hasn’t sewn a mouth, but the tartan fabric makes a cute “grumpy bear” mouth shape!

Ben Beginner Bear Pattern sewn by SueStonehouse


What makes Ben different from the other bears?

You can see all the rest of the Funky Friends Factory teddy bear patterns in the Compare the Bears blog post HERE …

Compare the Bears BEGINNER bear pattern



Want to win a
FREE toy pattern?


It’s so EASY to enter the Pattern GIVEAWAY!


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ALL you need to do is post a photo of a FUNKY FRIENDS FACTORY toy that you have made on the Funky Friends Factory Facebook Page .

At the end of each month I draw a winner and post the winner’s name on the Blog the following MONTH. I have an Album on Facebook for all the MAKEROFTHEMONTH winners. You can check it out HERE!



NOT on Facebook? ENTER by email! 😀

*** You can send me your photos by email too!


So come on! Share your photos  ~> The next winner could be YOU!!!

Pauline McArthur - Funky Friends Factory.
Till next time,

Happy Sewing,


  1. Evelyn Rutkowsky

    BEAUTIFUL BEARS, thanks for sharing

    • Pauline

      Thanks Evelyn! It’s so nice to see people putting their own personality into the pattern! 😀

  2. Linda D Tenney

    Having trouble with how to put the neck together. the base how does it go together?

    • Pauline

      Hi Linda,
      Please use the link in the See Me Sew section of the pattern – this will take you to a step-by-step photo tutorial to see images of how the bear goes together!🤗 The best way to make sure you sew the put the neck (and the rest of the bear) together in the right way, and the right order – is to transfer all the letters and pattern markings to the fabric pieces – then all you have to do is to match them up as you go through the instructions. It sounds like you are a beginner so please check out all the beginner resources I have on my Beginners Start Here page, including my (free!!!) toy making course! Here’s a link for you to the page with the info about it – https://www.funkyfriendsfactory.com/blog/new-to-sewing-toys/

  3. Melissa Eggleton

    Is there any way to find out where the angel wing embroidery is from on the bear from above?

    From the cotton-candy coloured Ben the Beginner Bear was sewn by Debbie Schmid Vitz –

    • Pauline

      Hi Melissa, I am not an embroiderer so I don’t want to recommend patterns for this here on my blog… BUT I did a Google search for “hoop embroidery angel wings” and saw some very similar designs to this. 🙂


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