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Farewelling my furry Funky Friend…

Apr 27, 2021 | A day in my life, Blog

I’ve been very sad because I have lost a very dear furry friend. Those of you who have got to know me over the years will know just HOW much my precious kitty Tiger (a.k.a “King Cat”) meant to me… 

Right from the day he arrived, walked right up to our 2 dogs and took over the house!


He was such a HUGE part of the Funky Friends Factory because he spent MOST of his time with me…


Here is is supervising the renovations of the shed  that we turned into my sewing studio…


or should I say “HIS studio”???


He “helped” with product development too. Here he is advising me, on pattern piece placement, during pattern testing!


He was the inspiration behind (and the chief pattern tester for) a number of Funky Friends Factory patterns…

The Cat Toys Pack was a favourite of his!

cat toys


He made it clear that Mousepad (the Wrist Rest Pattern) was designed FOR HIM! (I gave up trying to use it as my mouse rest… because he “fell in love” with Mousepad and claimed him as his own!!!!)

computer cat mouse pad


AND here he is testing out the Cat (and Dog) Bed Pattern! 

I think it’s fair to say he was ECSTATIC about this pattern!

fleece cat bed pattern


He let me know when he DIDN’T APPROVE approve of a particular pattern – he had a certain kind of look (death-stare?) that said it ALL!

It was pretty clear that he wasn’t a huge fan of the Dachshund Pattern!!!

Dachshund Pattern feedback


AND he didn’t have much love for the Kawaii Cat Pattern either!!!

jealous cat


I did let him get away with a LOT though!!!! After all, he was a very special cat! He got bitten by a deadly poisonous brown snake 8 years ago…  and survived to tell the tale!

We like to say he “took one for the team” because
it could have been ME!!!!

Cat in ICU - Australian brown snake bite


This kitty has definitely left paw prints all over my heart with his larger than life personality…  


Good bye King Cat…. I miss you! 


Pauline McArthur - Funky Friends Factory.

Till next time,

bye for now,


  1. Jo Meying Cheung

    Im so sorry to hear the news of Tiger 😢 thinking of you all and sending our love and hugs 🐾🌈💕

    • Pauline

      Thank you for you kind words Jo! Hugs accepted!

  2. Yvonne

    Hi Pauline my condolences on the huge loss of your beautiful King Cat. I can see that he has left you with lots of awesome memories, take comfort in them. Best wishes 🌷🌷🌷

    • Elizabeth Moore

      Such sad news. My condolences!!!

    • Janice

      It’s so hard to lose a pet. They become a beloved part of the family. King Cat certainly was. He’ll live on in your memories. I’m so sorry for your loss.

      • Pauline

        Thanks for your kind words Janice!:)

    • Linda Holder

      I think anyone who has truly loved a pet knows how painful it is to lose one. You have my sympathy. We lost our best friend two years ago, and nothing has ever been the same. We now have a new fur baby. I raised him from a week old, but his is no way a replacement. We went from a lover to a fighter (and I have the scars to prove it). But we’re stuck with him now, and we do kind of love him despite all the bites and scratches. Hope someone can fill the void for you when you are ready.

      • Pauline

        Thank you Linda! They are all such different characters… it is so lovely that you have found the love in your heart for your “fighter” – I am sure deep down he appreciates YOU more than you know!!!!

    • Dawn Fleischman

      So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful King Cat. I know he was a huge part of your life for so long. I remember when he was bitten by that horrible brown snake and couldn’t believe his miraculous recovery! The always take up such a big piece of our hearts and when they have to go, they take a piece with them. Sure do miss my Peanutty Kitty that’s been gone five years now. Sending you lots of hugs <3

      • Pauline

        Thanks for your lovely message, Dawn and I’m sorry to hear about your loss of Peanutty! Sounds like a fun kitty! 😀 Hugs to you too! xxx

  3. Carol

    I’ve had numerous cats in my lifetime and loved each one dearly but there is always that special one that is irreplaceable.

    • Pauline

      Thank you Carol – he certainly was a special character!!!

  4. Anita Orford

    So sorry to read about Tiger. He was a true companion, he leaves footprints on your heart.

    • Pauline

      Thank you Anita, he was a very special companion!

  5. Patricia Black

    Hugs. Our fir babies are part of our family. We just lost our BooBoo and miss her terribly. A very special little little chihuahua. 💙
    You have our sympathy.

    • Pauline

      Thank you Patricia, sorry to hear about Booboo, sending lots of LOVE your way too!

  6. Nicole

    Hi Pauline, so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing the beautiful memories you have of your very special furry friend? Warm hugs!

    • Pauline

      Thanks so much Nichole, Hugs accepted! 😀

  7. Josie

    So very sorry. Our pets are simply 4 legged children and loved deeply. Your pain is shared. Many of us have been where you are. Remember the happy times.

    • Pauline

      Thanks Josie, he really was deeply loved! xxx

  8. Diana Sageser

    Losing a fur baby is never an easy time. Your memories will help you remember all those good times (and even some of the bad). Time heals. Meanwhile here is a virtual hug from me and my dog, CeeCee.

  9. Jane Rodgers

    As a fellow lover of cats, I know your pain all too well. They are such remarkable animals; all with their unique personalities. I have a few that I would describe as having personality plus. King Cat cannot be replaced, but I suggest getting another kitty even knowing that. There are so many fur babies out there that would love for you to be their mom. -Jane

  10. Emily

    I’m so sorry to read about your loss! Losing a pet is always tough.
    Sending a virtual hug your way.

  11. Jane

    So sorry about your loss of the ‘King’ of your heart and household. It is difficult to lose a four-paws household member. Time heals and another four-paws will come when it is time. Prayers.

    • Pauline

      Thanks for your kind words, Jane. He was a huge part of our household for sure!

  12. Carle Schmidt

    Ohhh Pauline. My heart is breaking for you. Lost my own special fur baby a month back and I am far from recovering. Thinking of you and your loved ones with this death in the family.

  13. Betty Windsor

    Awww, Pauline, I’m so sorry to hear about your sewing buddy, Tiger. It’s so sad when we lose a furry family member. I’ve lost 2 of my sweet kitties within a month of each other. 😭 My sincere condolences. Sending you lots of love, hugs, and prayers.

  14. Ronda Budnick

    So sorry to read you lost your Tiger . I understand and mourn with you.

    • Pauline

      Thank for your kind words Rhonda! xxx

  15. Denise

    Hi Pauline,
    I’m so saddened with you at saying farewell to your furry friend and companion.
    He lives on in your memories!
    God bless you,

    • Pauline

      Thanks Denise, I’m truly grateful to have so many happy memories of him!

  16. Margaret Karst

    So very sorry about Tiger. So pretty. Our wonderful pets give so much love and enjoyment yet ask so little in return. They are as much a part of our family as any human member. May you find comfort in your beautiful memories.

    • Pauline

      Thank you Margaret, I’m so lucky to have so many wonderful memories!!

  17. Jenny

    Lots of hugs as you miss your fur baby/friend he will always hold a special place in your heart💐❤️

  18. Moni R

    Hi Pauline, so sorry to hear about Tiger’s passing. He was such a brave kitty after the snake episode. Thinking of you and sending lots of love your way.

    • Pauline

      Thanks for your kind words Moni, he was an awesome kitty!!!!!! 😀

  19. Clare Moore

    I am so so sorry. Your kitty was such a great part of yours and his life.💔They know our hearts. I too have a special cat, Buddy. I got him after my husband passed. He has ESP! I know someday he will be gone too. Our lives will be so empty. I agree, get another kitty. It won’t be tiger, but it will be unique.😿😿😿. 😰😰😰. My heartfelt condolences.

  20. Elizabeth

    I am so very sorry for your loss Pauline. I’ve been there and done that many, many, many a time. Each furry friend is special in their own right, and a huge, painful loss. It never gets any easier. But, I don’t let it stop me from taking another furry friend into my heart. You’ll be in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.

    • Jenny Gebicki

      Hi Pauline, so sorry for your loss. I can see he was a huge delight and help. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

      • Pauline

        Thanks Jenny, he was a very special companion! 🙂

  21. Tracy

    So sorry for your loss – losing a furry friend is devastating!

    • Pauline

      Thanks Tracy! He was a very special kitty!

  22. Lorilyn W

    I teared up hearing of your loss and
    asked God to comfort your heart. I am so sorry.
    My kitties also “help” me sew.
    Be gentle with yourself.

    • Pauline

      Thanks Lorilyn, I’m so heart sore missing my special sewing buddy! They are such fun to have around when you’re sewing! xxx

  23. Sharen Gibbons

    I am sending you alot of kind wishes on the loss of your little one King Cat. it is real hard when they become a big part of your life but it will be a big hole that only you would know. I am sending my thoughts’ to him to know he can come and visit any time he wants to. xxxxxx

  24. Ann Blake

    Dear Pauline,
    Sending lots of love and furry hugs….we lost our 19 year old kitty companion (who helped me with innumerable sewing projects over the years) 5 years ago, and she left a huge hole in our hearts, so we completely empathize with your loss. Our new kittens send their warmest wishes to you and the spirit of Tiger. You can rest easy knowing he enjoyed every moment of his life with you.

    • Pauline

      Dear Ann, thank you for your understanding comments and the comforting reminder that he had a great life with me… 😀

  25. Judy Harding

    I am so sorry about the loss of your adorable fur buddy friend King Cat. He is adorable and left paw prints on everyone’s heart. He will always hold a very special place in your heart and I hope you know how much all of us support and love you. Thank you King Cat for all of your inspiration in the Funky Friends Factory collection. God Bless.

    • Pauline

      Thanks Judy! Yes, HE was a precious part of everything I did….thank you for your supportive words! 😀

  26. Bev Fothergill

    Just read your sad news. My condolences. They do become family. I still miss my cats after many years since they are gone. One of mine also was bitten by a snake (Tiger) and survived. You have some great photos to remember him by. My prayers are with you.

  27. Darina

    So very sorry Pauline for your loss!! What a beautiful fur baby!!♥️ Sending hugs!X

    • Pauline

      Thanks Darina!He was a beautiful kitty!!! 🙂

  28. Pat

    Ah Pauline. I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for comfort during these hard times.

    • Pauline

      Thanks Pat!!! 😀

  29. Monique

    Dear Pauline, So sorry to read the sad news losing your very best furry friend Tiger. It is really hard losing your hairy kid, and King Cat was a very special one. Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs.

    • Pauline

      Thank you for the virtual hugs Monique!!!

  30. Susan

    Pauline, So sorry for your loss of King Cat. Special furry friends are a large part of our life and our heart. You show that in the pictures you shared. Prayers being said for your comfort.

    • Pauline

      Thanks so much for your kind words Susan…. he was a huge part of my life, for sure!

  31. Lynda

    Many hugs to you. The loss of a pet is the loss of a fur child. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your memories. xx

    • Pauline

      Thank you Linda! Hugs accepted! xxx

  32. Rebecca

    I am so sorry- as I fellow cat lover, I’m holding you in my heart-I love your tribute to him- he was very handsome!!

    • Pauline

      Aw, thank you Rebecca! He was a very handsome kitty! 😀


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