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Hi I’m Pauline, this blog is where I share all the latest Funky Friends Factory News, Giveaways, Competitions plus LOTS of toy-making tips & tutorials to help you sew the cutest soft toys EVER!

8 toy-making tips for beginners!

May 24, 2022 | Blog, Toy-making TIPS & TUTORIALS

So you want to sew a toy, but you don’t know where to start?

Maybe you’ve got a toy pattern, but you’re nervous?

Maybe you’ve sewn one toy and want another easy pattern for your next project?

If that’s YOU
you’ve come to the right place!


Calico beginner lets get started



Tip 1. HOW to find the EASY PATTERNS:

First up, there’s a section for EASY PATTERNS on the Funky Friends Factory website – just go to the home page and scroll down till you see it!


EASY patterns section on website

This is what the EASY /Beginner Patterns looks like on my phone. (I’m a bit old-fashioned but I know some people don’t have desktop computers these days.)

EASY patterns section on mobile phone



If you want to go straight to the EASY PATTERNS section of the shop NOW – here’s the link – https://www.funkyfriendsfactory.com/easy-patterns



Tip 2. If you’re not quite ready to pick a pattern:

Maybe you’re still not ready to choose a pattern (or to start on one you already have!) – then  head to the BEGINNERS START HERE page. (It’s also on the main page at www.funkyfriendsfactory.com, so it’s always easy to find. Just scroll down to the RED MONSTER.)

Beginners start here


The Beginners START HERE page includes everything you need to get started right this moment making a toy…

AND it’s all FREE!




Tip 3. LEARN with Plattie Platypus:

First, take the FREE toy-making course with free Plattie Platypus pattern, my EASIEST PATTERN. Seriously, I’ve seen little kids do great on this toy! You can do it!


Toy making course


This email delivered course contains everything you need to know to make toys, including:

  • Basic supplies list
  • How to read a pattern
  • How to pick fabric
  • Even a ‘how to’ stuffing video

It’s delivered right to your email, so you go at your own pace!




Tip 4. WATCH Pauline sew Honey Teddy:

Next, try the FREE Honey Teddy pattern (with video). While this isn’t an “easy” level pattern –  it does have a video and it’s free!

*** You MUST sign up for the Funky Friends Factory Newsletter to get the pattern for FREE!  It’s EASY – you can sign up on the Funky Friends Factory website!


As soon as you’re on the newsletter list – you’ll be sent the Honey Teddy pattern. She comes with a series of emails to help you make her, too. I suggest fleece as the best fabric for beginners. 

FREE Teddy bear pattern with video




Tip 5. JOIN our Facebook Fan group:

Join our friendly group, the Funky Friends Factory Pattern Fan Club:  You can discuss patterns and see tons of pics from thousands of makers around the world.

*** Be sure to fill out the membership questions and agree to the group rules – so we can let you in!

Facebook Pattern Fan Club




Tip 6. Pick an EASY next toy pattern:

Find your next “easy” level pattern here in the EASY PATTERNS section of the shop. I think William Whale and is a great second project after Plattie Platypus!




Which BEAR Pattern is EASY?

If you’re hoping to make a memory bear toy, I have a LOT of teddy bear patterns so I thought I’d add a note about which one I recommend for BEGINNERS. My NEWEST teddy bear pattern was designed just for beginners! I’ve designed Ben the Beginner Bear to be my EASIEST BEAR pattern.

Ben the BEGINNER Memory Bear pattern


You can read about Ben and all the other bear patterns here, in the COMPARE THE BEARS and bear FAQ blog post.

Compare the Bears BEGINNER bear pattern




Tip 7. Don’t be SCARED of mistakes!

Many new sewers worry they might make a mistake! Some people get so stressed out that they DON”T EVEN START! It’s really NOT the end of the world if you mess up or your 1st toy doesn’t look as good as you’d hoped it would! The important thing is having FUN with your sewing project! So please OVERLOOK any ERRORS… and give your toy a hug! 😄


They did it, and you can, too!

Here’s a collage (above) of “first Funky Friends” made by our Facebook group members. Some of these sewers had never even used a pattern before.


First Funky Friends Factory toys



8. Enter the FREE pattern Giveaway!


Want to win a
FREE toy pattern?


It’s so EASY to enter… 


Facebook badge - Pauline McArthur

ALL you need to do is post a photo of a FUNKY FRIENDS FACTORY toy that you have made on the Funky Friends Factory Facebook Page .

At the end of each month I draw a winner and post the winner’s name on the Blog the following MONTH. I have an Album on Facebook for all the MAKEROFTHEMONTH winners. You can check it out HERE!



NOT on Facebook? ENTER by email! 😀

*** You can send me your photos by email too!


So come on! Share your photos  ~>
The next winner could be YOU!!!


Please leave a comment below if you have a great TIP for beginners that I have left out!

Pauline McArthur - Funky Friends Factory.
Till next time,

Happy Sewing,


  1. Hilda

    Bonjour, je besoin urgent le tutorial de Larry, le lion. Pouvez-vous m’aider? Je n`arrive pas a le trouver.

    • Pauline

      Hello Hilda,
      Veuillez retaper le lien du didacticiel ; je ne retire jamais les pages !

      • Judy

        I love these patterns

        • Pauline

          Thanks Judy!😁

        • Joellen mcginnis

          These patterns are so cute. I have one. Not sure which one to order next. I want them all!!

          • Pauline

            Thank you so much Joellen, your comment made me smile! xxx Pauline

    • Nancy Rader

      I can’t find the giraffe tutorial that is advertised in the giraffe pattern book.

      • Pauline

        Hi Nancy, The link to the photo tutorial page is in the “See me sew section” of the pattern. You need to type that link into your internet browser (in the address bar) because the photo tutorial is not available to the general public. If you do not get to the page please try again and you will get to the page – I never take the tutorial pages down.

  2. liz Cadwell

    Hi Pauline, Ive tried to get the free honeybear pattern by signing up for your newsletter but it never comes through. I’ve checked my spam, junkmail, and regular inbox. I have watched your video but would really like to get the free pattern please. thanks for your help. Liz

    • Pauline

      Hi Liz, please use the contact us form so we can help you with this!


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