Funky Friends Factory - Doll & Stuffed Toy Sewing Patterns.

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About Us

Hi, I’m Pauline McArthur, the Australian soft toy designer behind the Funky Friends Factory.
When people ask me HOW the Funky Friends Factory got started...I say that it all began with a BUNNY! 


Pauline McArthur - Soft Toy Designer


Actually, No, it all began with a BABY… …well, LOTS and LOTS of BABIES it seems!


Pauline McArthur - baby toys


 You see, I began making  ‘Baby-safe Bunnies’ for all my friends’ newborn babies with sewn on faces and no chewable, choke-able bits. They were so popular that I moved on to mass-production (that’s where the ‘factory’ bit comes from!)

My husband’s favorite TV couch was taken over by soft toys!!!  To keep him happy I designed him his very own toy dog. We were living in a tiny apartment and couldn’t have a real puppy so I created a substitute based on the neighbours’ puppy.

Jack Russel Stuffed Toy Design


Jake the Jack Russell was born and the Funky Friends were TWO! Jake was designed with movable joints so he could sit, stand and cock his head to one side. He’s really cute but rather complicated! I’m rather impatient and prefer things that don’t take forever to make.


That’s why I’ve made sure all my other patterns are as easy as possible!!!


For a little more background you can read about WHEN, HOW and WHY I got into pattern design -

Pauline McAthur Toy Pattern Designer

...and learn about the process that goes into my toy sewing pattern design process!

toy sewing pattern design

I’ve been sewing and knitting my own toys and dolls since I was a kid, but it took until my 30s (OK, mid-30s) to realize that you’re never too old to do what you love! I’ve always worked in the optometry field (which pays the bills) but my passion is sewing. If there’s one thing I’d love to do all day, it would be to sew….

Over the years it’s been a great joy for me to see other people get enjoyment from my creations!


I hope you enjoy my little critters as much as I do...



Pauline McArthur toy designer Australia

Happy sewing!


Pauline McArthur

Australian Soft Toy Designer



P.S: Visit the Funky Friends GALLERY to see the Funky Friends made up in all sorts of fantastic materials. If you’d like to show off your new Funky Friends you can email me a photo or post your photo on the FunkyFriendsFactory Facebook page.

P.P.S: Visit the Funky Friends FEEDBACK Page to read what others are saying about the Funky Friends Factory Patterns and Kits.


Come and join the Funky Friends Community ~>



Making Toys for Charity - Share the love!


I started the Billion Bears Charity Drive as a simple way for me to ‘give something back’ for all the joy my toy-making has given me and so I have been amazed to see how many charities around the world have benefited from my free Honey Teddy pattern. Find out about more about making toys for your favorite Charity!


Facebook - Come join in the fun!



Come see me on the Funky Friends Factory Facebook Page.

I love seeing the photos posted there of ALL the Funky Friends toys that other people have made.

Facebook is also a great place for me to announce special offers and run competitions so pop across and become a ‘liker’ so you can find out about these too.

… oh and please drop me a comment or just pop across there now and say ‘Hi!’ on my wall! : )



Come and see some of the lovely toys others have already made!



Some happy snaps of Pauline McArthur...

and some of her Funky Friends!


Pauline McArthur - Brisbane Stitches & Craft ShowPauline McArthur toy patterns

stuffed animals toy designer Pauline mcArthur

Reggie Reindeer Pauline McArthur

Pauline McArthur free sewing pattern for charityDave and Pauline McArthur

Pauline McArthur is the Australian toy designer who created Wodger the Wombat toy pattern design.This cute REINDEER sewing pattern was designed by Pauline McArthur in 2006