Funky Friends Factory - Doll & Stuffed Toy Sewing Patterns.

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Terms of Use

This page contains information about:

  1. 1. Payment options and Prices/Currency used on this site.
  2. 2. Contact Details (including Postal Address).
  3. 3. Returns Policy.
  4. 4. Copyright Policy.
  5. 5. COMMERCIAL USE: Can you sell toys sewn using the Funky Friends Factory Patterns?
  6. 6. Selling the toys to raise funds for Charity.
  7. 7. EDUCATIONAL USE: Including classes and workshops in fabric shops, sewing related businesses and educational institutions.

1. Payment options and Prices/Currency used:

Payment options include -

* Credit Card through PayPal’s secure payment gateway.
* PayPal account.

The website is programmed to display prices in Australian dollars (AUD$) if you are in Australia. If you are located anywhere else in the world, prices will automatically be displayed in United States dollars (US$). You can see which currency is being displayed by the currency symbols - Australian dollar prices are displayed as AUD$ and United States dollar prices are displayed as US$. To find out what an item costs in YOUR currency if you are not in Australia or the US you would need to use a currency converter. For currency conversions:  I like to use the XE-currency conversion website. I use this all the time so I have it saved in 'my favourites'.

2. Contact Address – please address physical mail to:

Pauline McArthur
c/o Wlimot Post Office
Wlimot 7310

3. Returns Policy:

The Funky Friends Factory toy sewing patterns are prepared with great attention to detail. The patterns contain clear colour photographs and extensive yet simple instuctions. We take great care to make sure that you are very happy with your pattern purchase but due to the nature of digital files we do not offer refunds on sewing patterns. So far, in the 20+ years we have been distributing our patterns, we haven't had any problems with returns, we haven’t had any unhappy customers and we certainly plan to do our best to keep it that way!

4. Funky Friends Factory Copyright Policy:

(Updated 2019)
®© 070630 Copyright Protection Services International.
Copyright © 2019 Funky Friends Factory.
The Funky Friends Factory patterns, concepts and logo are protected by international copyright protection: It is acceptable to make these toys yourself for personal use and gifts. It is acceptable to make these toys yourself to sell in limited numbers if the toy is labeled/tagged ‘Made from a Funky Friends Factory pattern’. If you are selling the toys online – EACH online listing MUST state that the toy is made from a Funky Friends Factory Pattern. It is unacceptable to mass-produce the toys or to reproduce the patterns.

I have faith that you will respect the long hours and creativity that has gone into producing the Funky Friends Factory patterns.
Many thanks,

5. COMMERCIAL USE: Can you sell toys you sew using the Funky Friends Factory Patterns?

If you want to sell the toys you sew using the Funky Friends Factory sewing patterns, I am happy for you to do this if you make them yourself from start to finish, and in limited numbers. I believe that, whether you sew them by hand or sewing machine, you’d hardly be able to call this mass-producing the toys! So you have my full permission to make the toys yourself, and sell them in limited numbers. All I would ask is that the toy is labelled or tagged with the following -  ‘Made from a pattern’, and if you are selling the toys online – EACH online listing MUST state that the toy is made from a Funky Friends Factory Pattern. It is unacceptable to mass-produce the toys or to reproduce the patterns.

I think this is a win-win situation for both of us! – I am happy for you to make some money selling toys made from my patterns and as a ‘one-woman, home-based craft business’ it would really help me if you could help ‘spread the word’ about my pattern website in this way!
Thank you, in advance!

PS: This is a question I get asked a lot by fellow home sewers like me who want to make some money doing something they LOVE - i.e. making softies! So I have a created web page explaining my Copyright Policy and Terms of Use, especially relating to selling items made from the Funky Friends Factory sewing patterns.

6. Can you sell the toys you sew to raise money for CHARITY?

Any sale of items sewn using the Funky Friends Factory Patterns is COMMERCIAL USE - (see above). If you want to sell a few toys for a charity, once again, I feel that, whether you sew them yourself, by hand or sewing machine, you’d hardly be able to call this mass-producing the toys! So it is perfectly acceptable to make or sell the toys in limited numbers for charitable purposes. Once again, I would ask is that the toy is labelled or tagged ‘Made from a pattern’.

However if you are wanting to make a LARGE number of toys to sell for a charity cause  – please take a look at the Funky Friends Factory Billion Bears Drive, and if you want to get involved with this, please let me know the name of the charity and how many bears you’ve made… we have a long way to go!!!! :)

7. EDUCATIONAL USE: Including classes and workshops in fabric shops, sewing related businesses and educational institutions.

EACH student is required to have their own, legitimate pattern when a Funky Friends Factory pattern is being used for a class or workshop. An original, legitimate pattern could be either in the form of

  1. 1. EACH student purchasing their own PDF Pattern from the Funky Friends Factory website or
  2. 2. EACH student receiving a legitimate printed pattern the cost of which may be either included into the cost of their class (paid for by the teacher/instructor) or paid for separately by EACH student.


It is unacceptable to reproduce the Funky Friends Factory patterns in any way. It is illegal to make photocopies or duplicates of the printed patterns. It is also illegal to make additional print-outs of a PDF pattern. 

Teachers or instructors can apply for a wholesale account to be able to purchase the patterns at the wholesale price for the purposes of teaching classes or workshops. Please use the Contact Page to enquire about becoming a wholesale Customer.

PS: As a teacher you can simply pass on the wholesale cost of the pattern to EACH student. They get the bonus of getting the pattern at half the full retail price OR you can add the normal retail mark up and sell the patterns as the recommended retail pirce. Either way, I am happy for you to make some money teaching classes using my patterns in this way. You can relax and enjoy teaching others this fun craft, knowing this is a win-win situation for your students as well and you amd me!
Thank you, in advance for supporting your business as well as mine by adhering to my Educational Policy!